Thursday, December 8, 2011


Wow! It been ages since I've updated my blog. I have been busy with my studies and assignments which leads to less time to blog. I'm having my long and relaxing break after a busy 4months of uni. Trust me, the amount of work given were pretty huge. It was a miracle i was able to complete it. To be honest, the 4 months of uni felt like a  year for me. It felt really long. BUT finally i'm done with my 1st sem :). Sem 2 starts in April 2012. Yes, u heard me right. APRIL 2012. A long ass break, if u ask me. But no regrets at all.

If you wondering what am i going to do for the next few months before April, i am chilling for a while. Then,  I will find a job.  I really can do with the extra $.
Being as home isnt so bad. Not when you have a 5month of baby in your house. Yes, i have a baby at home. Well, not mine, if you are wondering. My aunt's new born baby boy, Aryan. I'm the babysitter. Actually, assistant babysitter. The boss babysitter is my mum. I love every moment of it. Minus the part where he peed on me and vomit on my shirt. Its the way of him saying "Thank You".

So far, the baby has been occupying my time and i am pretty good at taking care of babies.
The crying part of babies i have yet to master it. I need to find the solution to make them calm if they cries. If you have any ideas, please fell free to share.

Oh yes, another thing. I truly admire Victoria Secret's Models. I use to like them just a bit. But after i read and watch the fashion show, Daaammmm i want their confidence! Superb.

My 3 Fav Models 
I loved Rosie in Transformer 3. She was superb. She ran in her freaking heels. Awesome shit.
Megan was awesome too for previous Transformer movies.
However, I love Rosie's sense of humor in the movie.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


I think i'm having sleeping disorder. :s

Yummmmmy. Penang food!!! Scrumptious :)
Heart, don't fail me now!
Courage, don't desert me!
Don't turn back now that we're here
People always say
Life is full of choices
No one ever mentions fear.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Chef Grandma Jones...

My dad and i helped to paint my grandma's gate n fence. We painted both of it green. It looks really nice. An eco-green house.. :) While my dad and i were painting, she decided to cook chicken varuval (if not mistaken), salad, beans n carrot with indian spices, rasem, chicken curry n etc. The food was superb. My grandma sure can cook. Its was just awesome. Words cant described the mouth-watering, spicyness, gastronomical taste of her cooking. Now that's what i call " Finger licking good" ;) Even today for dinner, she made ikan bilis curry, beans, fried chicken, sardine with spices. OMG... Magnificent. Mamma Mia..

Ps: ,My grandma's name is Sarojini. But we ( as in the grandchildren) decided to call her Sarah Jones. Her "velakaran name (mat salled name). Just for fun.. :D